Dear visitors,
We are pleased to announce that thanks to the easing of the situation associated with the Covid 19 pandemic, we are fully prepared to open the complex to the general public, from Monday 25.5.2020, depending on the weather, of course.
Due to the uncertainty that prevailed for a long time and due to all the crisis measures, we were forced to abandon some of the news prepared for this season. Even so, we believe that we will be able to offer many interesting things for athletes, families with children and relaxation. We are currently preparing a regular sports and cultural program for you. We will specify everything gradually, how we will have the actions confirmed and how the situation will allow us.
We can already promise you an extended offer in the sports equipment rental, the newly reconstructed stands of the Sport bar and the Burger bar with an extended offer of refreshments. Our partner is the company Algida, whose offer of ice cream in the area will certainly also please you. From June we have babysitting ready every Saturday and Sunday and much more.
We are fully prepared to comply with all strict measures of the government and the Ministry of Health regarding disinfection at the entrance to the premises and in toilets. We have enough disinfectants for the treatment of all surfaces, both in gastronomic stalls, sports grounds, as well as in the children’s corner and all other areas of the complex.
So do not hesitate and come and see for yourself. We are very much looking forward to your visit.