The Hostivař dam is not only a place of relaxation and water sports, but the community group SpoluBeat (also a registered association) has also found its background here. SpoluBeat is a joint project of families who have decided to take full responsibility for the upbringing and education of their children. It is not limited to creating an alternative to institutionalized education, but aims to create space for a real Coexistence of families – children and adults, which allows mutual inspiration, enrichment, growth and development of individual potential of all actors in this process. Therefore, one of the main elements of the project is to preserve the age diversity of the children’s group from babies to preschoolers. Although SpoluBeat cannot be considered a kindergarten or school in the usual sense, it is also a common desire to grow up with children in a “community school” and allow them to spend time at school in a respectful, loving and stimulating environment. The age limit for children and adults of the group is therefore almost unlimited.

Since its inception, the project has focused on the voluntary involvement of parents, who take on the role of guides of their own children and the children of other participating families and invest the most valuable thing in their upbringing and education – their time. Each parent thus contributes with their unique experience, knowledge, skills and abilities (whether in the field of sports, creation, biology, literature or singing). This concept, of course, places different demands on parents than on parents of children who use other educational concepts. The project is based primarily on the values ​​and ideas of the extended family system, natural contact parenting, nonviolent communication and self-directed education, uses the best of many pedagogical trends and new knowledge and concepts reflecting the near future with all its challenges. The goal and effort of all adult participants in the project is to be a quality role model and kind inspiration for children, to have an active influence on what and in what environment children learn. It is therefore natural that one of the challenges of the project is not only the education of children, but also the development of adults.

V očích rodin ze SpoluBeat nabízí Hostivařský lesopark skvělé přírodní území, kde se mohou děti rozvíjet a bezpečně zkoumat svět kolem sebe. Zároveň není jediným prostředím, kde se děti pohybují – častou náplní času jsou společné výlety, návštěvy výstav i muzeí, a další aktivity, které umožňují komplexní a harmonický rozvoj dětí. A stejně jako leospark není jediným prostorem, kde se děti učí, ani rodiče nejsou jedinými osobami, od kterých se děti v rámci projektu učí. SpoluBeat spolupracuje i s externími lektory a díky nově rekonstruovanému zázemí v prostoru Hostivařské přehrady bude další spolupráce ještě navázána. Počátky spolku byly putovní a v mnoha ohledech tedy výzvou pro všechny jeho členy. Právě vlastní zázemí umožní členům SpoluBeat další rozšíření aktivit a efektivnější využívání času – myšleno je na výtvarné, sportovní, vzdělávací a další rozvojové aktivity. Nedílnou součástí celého procesu je umožnit dětem vyjádřit se ke všem nabízeným aktivitám, zvolit si preferované zájmy i formy učení tak, jak to nejvíce odpovídá jejich přirozenosti.

In the eyes of SpoluBeat families, the Hostivař Forest Park offers a great natural area where children can develop and safely explore the world around them. At the same time, it is not the only environment where children move – frequent time trips are joint trips, visits to exhibitions and museums, and other activities that enable the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. And just as a leospark is not the only space where children learn, nor are parents the only people from whom children learn within the project. SpoluBeat also cooperates with external lecturers, and thanks to the newly reconstructed facilities in the area of ​​the Hostivař dam, further cooperation will be established. The beginnings of the association were itinerant and in many ways a challenge for all its members. It is our own background that will enable SpoluBeat members to further expand their activities and use their time more efficiently – they are meant for artistic, sports, educational and other development activities. An integral part of the whole process is to allow children to express themselves on all the activities offered, to choose their preferred interests and forms of learning in the way that best suits their nature.

Currently, there is still room to participate in this community project. If you’re interested in the association’s project, check out the SpoluBeat FB page HERE for the necessary contacts and more.

Complete gallery from the event HERE .